I Wasn't Made For These Times

"Movie Magazine International" Review -- Air Date: Week Of 8/30/95

By Monica Sullivan

The Beach Boys dominated international music charts between 1962 and 1969 as living proof that the California Sun, the Pacific ocean and non-stop "Good Vibrations" could keep five Hawthorne surfer boys frozen in time as teenagers forever. Dennis Wilson's 1983 drowning and Brian Wilson's 1991 autobiography "Wouldn't It Be Nice" revealed that, long before their fall and resurrection, life was far from happy-go-lucky for the group. "I Wasn't Made For These Times", a 70 minute documentary by filmmaker Don Was, takes a look at Brian Wilson today, with brief appearances by mother Audree, brother Carl, daughters Carnie and Wendy & even ex-wife Marilyn. Dr. Eugene Landy, the controversial therapist whom Brian Wilson credited with saving his life, is nowhere in evidence, although Wilson somewhat dismissively refers to him just once.

Despite the decision to make the film in timeless black-&-white, Was' film is not even remotely nostalgic, nor is there any attempt to examine the Beach Boys' career in scholarly fashion. This appears to be how Brian Wilson wants to be seen and remembered at the age of 52, clearly ravaged by his youthful excesses, but still eager for audience acceptance & attention as a solo artist.

Copyright 1995 Monica Sullivan

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