Movie Review: Roosevelt's America

By Joan K. Widdifield, Psy.D
Movie Magazine International
Roger Weisberg and co-director Tod Lending's documentary short "Roosevelt's America," is an inspirational story of a Liberian refugee, Roosevelt Henderson's attempt to make a family life in Chicago. A civil engineer by trade, Roosevelt Henderson works as a furniture factory laborer, hotel van driver and laboratory janitor after emigrating to the U.S. from his dangerous, war-torn homeland. In this warm, touching account, Henderson demonstrates resilience after enduring heartbreaking struggles in the work force and attempting to reunite with his wife and young daughter who are still in Liberia. This short shows us what life can be like for an émigré in America and is the model of a functional, loving family that pulls together during crisis.

In San Francisco, this is Joan Widdifield.
More Information:
Roosevelt's America
Roger Weisberg and Tod Lending